Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Upstairs Bathroom

The upstairs bathroom remodel turned out exactly as I had hoped, something that was far from a certainty. Thanks to my Dad for helping so much and to my Grandpa for making the stained glass window.
The old bathroom:

My Dad helping with the demo (we both blew our backs out during this process, which delayed the project by about two months):

Tiling the shower:

All finished, woohoo!:

The window:

Bird's eye:

Downstairs Bathroom

What have I been up to you ask? Working on my house and playing volleyball. I just recently finished up adding a bathroom in the basement and completely gutting and remodeling the bathroom upstairs. I think that they turned out pretty good considering that my Dad and I have never attempted anything like this before. Here are some progressive pics of the downstairs bathroom.