Monday, April 13, 2009

The week that was...

I would like to apologize to my faithful readership (nonexistent) for the lack of posts last week. When I created this blog I had intended to post every day or two and I didn’t even make it a week. I will redouble my efforts and try to do better from here on out. Just because I haven’t been posting doesn’t mean that cool things (or maybe just things in general) haven’t been happening so let’s get you caught up on the happenings of last week.

Monday 4/6:
Monday was an exciting day, as I recall, because it was opening day for the St. Louis Cardinals. I took the afternoon off and headed out to Buffalo Wild Wings to meet up with a couple of cronies and enjoy the season opener. That’s about where things started to go south. I ran into countless delays getting out of work and then had the good fortune to have my path impeded by a coal train that must have snaked half way to Chicago. I ended up missing half the game but showed up with plenty of time to see the Cards new closer Motte blow a two run lead in the ninth. Ehh, what the hell, right… it’s a long season. Next up was a trip down the road to catch the National Championship game at the Brickhouse. What followed was quite possibly the worst championship game in the history of college basketball as North Carolina destroyed Michigan State and pretty much had the game wrapped up after the first ten minutes. I forced myself to watch the rest of the game and retired for the evening, thoroughly disappointed with the day’s events.

Tuesday 4/7:
This day contained virtually nothing of consequence. I think I went to the store or something equally mundane; so for all intents and purposes this day didn’t really even happen.

Wednesday 4/8:
Work is doing a “walk your way to wellness challenge” where you are supposed to count how many steps you walk and record the distance on a website. Teams are formed by department and the winning team gets a few prizes like gift cards and whatnot. I foolishly agreed to participate and have been stuck wearing a dorky looking pedometer as I motor around campus. While I have been disappointed with how little distance I have logged, I am quite confident that my ability to look like an idiot is now unrivaled.

Thursday 4/9:
Thursday was a glorious day, one that will likely be turned into legend by bards and poets. It was the end of session tournament for our competitive indoor volleyball league. We have won the regular season title a few times but always choke in the tournament. All that was about to change… three hours later, we had fought our way past all challengers and were proudly posing for our team picture in our free T-shirts. There was much rejoicing and it was good to finish up the indoor season on a high note.

Sand volleyball starts next week and as of this writing it looks like I will be playing on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. It’s a little ridiculous, I know, but I figure I am done taking classes for now and what the hell else am I going to do, so why not?

Friday 4/10:
Friday was pretty lame. I worked in Litchfield and then hung out at the house for the night. Loser…

Saturday 4/11:
Saturday I was hell-bent on being productive and turned my attention to the yard. My old roommate Kevin had come up from Edwardsville and fortunately agreed to help, likely due to equal parts boredom and altruism. Regardless, I was glad for the help and began to go about pulling weeds and spreading mulch. I wish I could say that I was all finished and could post a picture of said work but unfortunately, despite our best efforts, there is still much to do. I will post some pic’s when I get it all in shape for those of you who give a shit, though I can’t image there are many who do. Much more interesting than the yard work, was the unusual amount of wildlife that we encountered during the process. Kevin had the misfortune of accidently raking a bunny nest and sending them all scattering. I have little doubt he is still regretful for his unintentional displacement of the bunny family as he was visibly shook-up following the event. Even more unsettling was my encounter with a snake. I damn near picked it up only to recoil as the “stick” began to slither away. I don’t have a huge problem with snakes but I’m not a huge fan either and I figured that was as good a time as any to call it a day in the yard. I did manage to snap a pic of the menacing serpent with my cell phone.

Saturday night involved going out downtown for one too many libations. Much wackiness ensued…

Sunday 4/12:
Sunday showed up and it seems the Easter Bunny had left me a hangover. Thanks Easter Bunny… My Mom came over and we went out to eat and then I retreated home to watch some movies on the couch and convalesce. I watched The Day the World Stood Still (Stupid) and Seven Pounds (Not too bad) and then called it a day, eagerly awaiting the start of the workweek (bullshit).


  1. My response to your recap:

    Day #1 - sports = boring.
    Day #2 - my kind of day!
    Day #3 - I also agreed to be on a silly walking team. I have not logged any steps to date. Shame.
    Day #4 - sports = boring (but congrats).
    Day #5 - I got nuthin'.
    Day #6 - That is the SECOND time I had to see that snake picture. And like the first time, I wasn't expecting it. So thanks for making me almost pee my pants.

    Overall, good recap.

  2. The snake!!!
    Poor bunnies :( Well we know what the snake had for dinner that night!
